We are part of the Catalyst and New Frontiers family of Churches

Catalyst is a movement of churches raising world-changers.

  • Catayst

    As a newtork of churches Catalyst wants to see God's Kingdom fill the earth, and we're passionate about seeing this in our churches, through social action projects and in our workplaces.

  • Evangelical Alliance

    As a Church we fully subscribe the Evangelicall Alliance statement of faith. Have a read of it by clicking the link below.

  • NewFrontiers

    Newfrontiers is a family of churches partnering together on global mission, joined by common values and beliefs, shared mission and genuine relationships


As a church we are excited to be a part of the wider Catalyst family of churches.

Alternatively, here are some books you may like to read that will give you more details about who we are as a church family

David Devenish – Fathering Leaders, Motivating Mission

Terry Virgo – Restoration in the Church

Terry Virgo – No well-worn paths

John Hosier – Christ’s Radiant Bride